Take care of your smile

woman exercising with friends
woman exercising with friends

We know the quality of your smile has a major impact on your confidence and how good you feel in everyday life. So our advice is simple: Look after your dentures and partials, and they’ll look after you.

Feel brave enough to smile amongst your friends and family. Smile back at the barista who just poured you a morning cup of coffee. Find the courage to go on a date or kiss your loved one passionately.

Deep cleaning your denture without damaging it

Most people worry about keeping their dentures and partials in good conditions, but some don’t know exactly what products they should use to get the job done. Some will use a regular toothpaste or soap. And some will even use vinegar or bleach, to try and kill all the “bad stuff” once and for all.

It comes as no surprise that these solutions can, in some cases, scratch or damage your dentures or partials.

Harsh products like toilet bleach may even turn the pink parts of your dentures or partials white – not to mention the safety risks from the chemicals. Something that could very well steal the confidence your new and bright smile has given you. 

New Polident Double Power has twice the cleaning ingredients, for superior clean and stain removal, and it was specially made to be extra effective, but still gentle, to dentures and partials.

Because it’s important to you, it’s important to us

Throughout the years, we’ve been listening carefully to what people who wear dentures or partials have to say. We’ve listened to your needs and struggles, but also your achievements and renewed confidence, with your bright new smile.

It’s with you in mind, that we set ourselves the constant challenge to develop the best products in market.

Products like the New Polident Double Power, that easily become part of your routine and help you go about your day with a smile on your face.

We are proud to be a friend, on this journey, and to help you spend less time worrying and more time smiling.