Your dentures are an important part of your daily life and they’re a big investment too, so it’s important to care for them every day to help them last.

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Remember to store them in water

Most denture teeth are made of acrylic that is designed to cope with everyday use. To help keep your dentures strong, this plastic should be kept in water when you are not wearing it – acrylic dentures can warp or distort if they dry out, which could affect your denture fit.

You should also store your dentures in a safe and secure place out of the reach of children or pets so they don’t become damaged.

Remember to clean them regularly

Just like natural teeth, it’s important to keep up a daily cleaning routine for your dentures. 

Soaking them in a solution of very warm (not hot) water and a denture cleanser tablet, like Polident, and cleaning them as directed, can help keep them in good condition.

Following the soaking time, brushing your denture with the leftover cleansing solution helps to remove plaque build-up. Then you should give your denture a good rinse under running water and discard the leftover denture cleansing solution.

Carefully read all information provided with the product before use.